Apr 11, 2010

Retreat for Gratitude Challenge

Retreat is advancing forward when we focus on gratitude. Today I have gratitude for inner peace. I have been caught up in a whirl wind in my office. It looks like someone threw papers everywhere and left them there. It is going to take me awhile to clear the clutter. Half of the office is clean and neat and the other is in total chaos. Have you ever felt your life stuck in that in-between space of clearing the old and creating the new?

My favorite way to bridge this new world with the old is to think with gratitude for all the things that the old has blessed me with. This builds a strong foundation for releasing the old and opens the heart to trust the new that is formless and unseen.

Today I have gratitude for the trust that continues to grow within me allowing deeper and deeper inner peace.

What are you grateful for today? Leave me a message here on the blog. Each person who leaves me a message will be entered to win a free copy of Love's Secret to be given away at the end of the 30 day blog challenge.

Retreat from your life today and experience inner peace by setting aside 5 minutes to just be in the moment. Retreat is all about being present in the moment and feeling gratitude.


Terrie said...

Great post - gratitude is vital to our existence and I don't think many folks understand how much more good comes to us when we repeatedly express our gratitude to the world. Today I am grateful to Connie Regan Green for having this 30 day blog challenge and to all the people I have already met and we're only on day 3.
People can get my Gratitude Journal software (no charge)at http://www.GratitudeTracker.com - it's a great little software journaling program that even has a sticky that will stay on your desktop (PC only) where you just just jot down when something comes to mind and it automatically enters it in the 'big' journal. I am extremely grateful to the young man who was able to fulfill my desires to create such a program.

Keep up the great work Annie

Suzie Cheel said...

Today I am grateful for the joy of where I live, just paradise and swimming in the sea lifted my vibes this morning.
Today I am also grateful that I have the skills to make a video so I can share me books message with the world
I am grateful that you visited my gratitude blog and left a comment and now we are connected

Unknown said...

Hi Annie, I have frequently found it not easy to let go of the familiar old way and move on to the unfamiliar scary/wonderful new way. Your concept of expressing gratitude for the old way as a way of letting go is inspiring to me. I'll try it! Love and Blessings, Doc Meek, South Jordan, Utah, USA; and Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

Martha Giffen said...

How beautiful! I love the use of the word "retreat." Today, I am grateful for the 30 day blog challenge because that is how I found this site :)

Annie said...

Thank you to all my new friends Terrie, Doc, Martha,and Suzie. I am also grateful for this blog challenge because it brought us all together. I am grateful for the clearing in my previously cluttered office. I will be visiting each of your blogs. I am grateful for the knowledge of the internet and the platform it gives to connect with people around the world.