Apr 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesdays--Angels watching over us!

Happy WW! Jinny's Angel, in Sedona, Arizona. May your angel watch over you and bring you happiness and inner peace throughout your week!

Spiritual Retreats to Awaken Spiritually

Thousands of people go on spiritual retreats each year and the most popular retreats are California Retreats and our Sedona Retreats rank next. What is a Spiritual Retreat?

A spiritual retreat is a special time to break away from your life and create a deeper connection to your divine essence. Our constant busy-ness causes us to shut that connection down and creates stress. Stress can literally make you sick. Billions of dollars are spent each year on anxiety and anti-depressant medications. These medications only mask the symptoms of stress. What can you do to deal with stress and release it before you make yourself sick?

Start your day with fifteen minutes of being still. During this time visualize your day. See yourself taking short breaks throughout your day to breathe and release your stress. Take two ten minute breaks and walk the stairs or walk outside. You will return to work refreshed and able to complete more tasks in less time. By following this routine you will also arrive home feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your work projects at home. You will find yourself resting better at night with deeper rim sleep and awaking refreshed each morning. Leading a proactive life empowers you by taking action to take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Take my challenge and make this your routine for 21 days and then contact me and share your experience.