Using the Law of Attraction and want to attract more of what you want and less of what you fear? With the economy, and the climate changes, you probably hear about gas prices, and a weak economy each day. Want to focus your thoughts and actions in a positive way and let go of the all the fear?
Join our Law of Attraction Group and teleseminars to find your purpose and create the life you want and deserve. Here are some tips to focus your thoughts and actions on what you want.
1. When you hear other people fearing and worrying take a deep breath and let the fear go. When you focus on fear you attract more of what you are fearing. When you take a deep breath and release the fear you can bring yourself back to center. All fear is about what is happening in the future or past. Keep yourself focused in the present moment and choose to feel safe.
2. Take time to develop a mind that feels safe to be still. Most of our society have developed habits of always being busy and on the go. When you stop at first it feels unsafe and unfamiliar. Move through that feeling of being uncomfortable and develop a new feeling of being safe to be still.
3. Determine an anchor word to focus on to bring back to the present moment. Determine a word or symbol to bring you back from the past or future. For me the symbol is a Dove. The Dove symbolizes inner peace and I love the song of the Dove. It makes me feel safe to be still.
Have you heard of EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique? EFT is software for the emotions and can clear and move emotions that have been blocked for years. Go here to find EFT Tools
all of our Sedona Retreats and Day Packages empower you with tools to face your fears and move forward in your life.
Leave me a message and let me know your favorite way to use The Law of Attraction, or The Secret Tools. I love to hear success stories. My favorite Law of Attraction story was when I wrote my list to find my life partner eighteen years ago and found the love of my life.