Jun 21, 2013

Retreat to Reset Your Normal

Is drama and pain your normal? Want to run away? Did your role models for relationship teach you to retreat and close your heart. These habits feel normal yet push love away, and often end in divorce. Our couples retreats empower you with tools for communication, teach you how to let go of emotional hurt and pain, and assist each partner to open their heart and share their love. Through the end of the year each retreat includes a copy of award winning Love's Secret Live Your Life In Love.

Follow these tips from Love's Secret to stop fighting and make love.

1.Fighting over the same issues? Keep shutting down and stuffing your feelings? This habit results in an explosion of hurtful words and pushing each other away. Stop. Take a deep breath. Hold a vision of beautiful pick rose. Allow the rose to absorb all the hurt and pain. Let it all go. Begin to breath in the love offered by the rose.

2. EFT or Emotional Freedom empowers you with tools to heal your past hurt and trauma and stop toxic fighting patterns. Realize, that each of you are reacting from past hurt and trauma, and never from what is or has happened in the present moment. Until you heal the old stuck hurt and trauma, it will continue to be brought to the surface to be healed and released. Remind yourself that love and connection are your intention and let the old hurt go. Hurt and pain may feel normal but be strong and let it go.

3. Agree on a word that can be used by both partners as a signal to stop the fight. Make an agreement to honor each other and your love by stopping the argument when the word is said by either partner. This word must have meaning for both of you. Words used by previous couples include: love, partnership, agreement, commitment, healing, what is important, the past is over, freedom, I choose love. You can also decide on a symbol of love and unity ie: a Dove, heart, a pink bubble of light. When you feel yourself stuck in reaction say the word and hold the symbol in your mind and breath.

4. If you become so triggered that you can't keep yourself from reacting; you are hitting a core survival issue. When this occurs you might need help to get unstuck. Find someone who has experience working with couples and EFT and give them a call to either work in person, or over the phone.

Our Sedona Retreats offer tools for healing your core issues with EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. I also work with clients throughout the world by phone and have great results with relationship issues, core issues, stop smoking and weight loss. Gift yourself lasting love, invest in a couples retreat or personal healing retreat and gift yourself with renewed love a couples retreat is a gift of lasting love.