May 1, 2008

Spiritual Retreats offer Secrets to Manage Stress

Stress and tension become a normal feeling in your body. Imagine if Medical doctors prescribed a day every month to go on retreat, a long weekend every three months, and a longer sabbatical on a regular basis. These breaks would clear stress and recharge batteries, and diminish the intensity of our societies' high stress levels. Everyone has stress the key is learning effective tools to manage stress. Below find secrets to manage stress and recharge your body/mind/and spirit.

Say no to stress and overwhelm. When you are tired learn to walk away and take a break. This can be as little as 15 minutes, or as much a full week. When you are stressed you are not able to be productive. Take a break, when you return to the project refreshed you bring renewed energy, a refreshed mind, and more successful results.

Develop the habit of deep breathing. Shallow breathing is a habit learned as a child. Shallow breathing is responsible for many diseases and stress related illness. Post signs in your office, in your car, at home, and remind your self to breath deeply.

Develop the habit of a quiet peaceful mind. A peaceful mind has more ability to focus and release stress. Meditation is a good tool to create a more peaceful mind and up-lifting endorphins.

Smile and create the habit of happiness. Happiness is a choice. Most were not conditioned to be happy. It takes commitment, dedication, determination and an ability to embrace change in order to create a happy life.

Create a Plan and follow it. Create a plan for what you want in your life. Do one thing every day that supports your plan. Acknowledge your achievements’ and your accomplishments toward your plan.

Schedule Rewards with short breaks. Your breaks and time away need not be elaborate. They can be as small as scheduling in a long soak in your bath tub or a long weekend at a retreat center that you love. Schedule in short breaks and rewards often for your small and large accomplishments. Our Sedona retreats empower you to create a healthy, happy, and successful life .
Remember Retreat and Heal and Sedona when you are ready to schedule your break. We welcome you for a day, three days or a full week long retreat.