President Obama has just been sworn in and we have a new president. Yesterday, I watched Oprah as she called for each person to commit to being the change we want to see. What is your commitment to be of service in 2009? Here are some small changes that we can all make that will create the change we want to see.
1. Hold a vision of what you want. Just like our new President hold a reverence for word. Choose the words that you hold in your mind and the conversations that you have with friends, family, and work comrades. Make your words positive or stop the conversation.
2. We can be the change we want to see and create ripples of peace worldwide. Remember the song let peace begin with me. Create peace where ever you go, lend a hand when you can, smile and meet someone's eyes and send love. Our world is in the process of change, you have the choice to participate, or watch.
3. Respect yourself, our environment, and our brothers, and sisters. Do no harm, take no more than you need, recycle and clear your clutter. Stand in your power and spread love, peace, and laughter, where ever you go. Lighten up and laugh at yourself and life. Laughter is healing share it often.
Check out our Sedona Talk Radio and listen to our Let your Light Shine in 2009. Hope you will leave me a message about your commitment for 2009 to be the change. If you are in Sedona we hope you will allow us to be your Spiritual guide to Sedona.