Like a lot of couples you probably started your relationship with lots of passion and heated sex, but now find the romance dwindling, with sex taking a back seat to the TV. Today's hectic pace of life and auto-pilot living can take over, leaving romance and love in the dust. Take control of your love life by planning a romantic evening to bring love and passion back to your bedroom.
• If you idea of celebrating love is sitting on the couch with your couch potato. Turn the TV off and set the mood for romance. She may have lost her libido to the remote control. Follow these rituals to create a magical romantic evening.
• Pick up her favorite flowers and a mood candle. Make sure that you show up first before her. Put the flowers on the nightstand and light the mood candle.
• Put clean red sheets on the bed. Leave a love note on her pillow with rose petals under the sheet.
• Run a hot bath in the tub five minutes before she arrives. Add three drops each of lavender, ylang ylang, rose geranium, clary sage and marjoram to a teaspoon of honey and add this to her bath just before she enters. Put on her favorite music and quickly get in the shower.
• When she arrives take her directly to the bathroom and help her undress. Have her slip into the bath. Roll a towel and slip it under her head.
• Once she is ready to leave her heavenly bath. Have a nice bathrobe for her to slip into. Lay her on the bed in her bathrobe on top of the rose petals. Take a relaxing lotion like lavender and massage her feet.
She is now relaxed and in the mood. The rest is up to you. Take your time to focus on what you love about each other and make the most of the moment. It is up to you to create love or push love away with an over busy schedule and then collapsing in front of the tv.
Seize the moment and create the love you want. Click here for information on couples retreats to help you recapture love and romance. Leave me a message and let me know what is your favorite love ritual.