Law of Attraction Teleseminars, every Monday at 9 am Mountain Standard Time. What is GAP, and how do we use it to turn on our IGPS? GAP is an acronym for Gratitude for our life and all that fills our life, Accoutability for our thoughts, action and reactions to life, and Positive expectancy. I will be blogging this week about GAP and how to turn on our IGPS.
For today, I will share what GAP is, and explain what our IGPS is and how to activate it. We all have an inner guidance system, similar to the GPS that everyone is purchasing to navigate the road trips. Our inner guidance system, is always turned on for our highest path, but we are either too busy to listen, or have shut it down and don't feel the inner urges. What caused us to shut the system down? Our old programming, or perhaps we grew up in a very toxic environment, and our survival habit was to shut down, in order to not feel the hurt and pain. Tomorrow I will blog more about how to reactivate your IGPS. Are you aware that you have a IGPS?
Join us for a life changing retreat, or join our teleseminar series. We still have people joining our 21-day-ecourse, check out the first day at no charge, and fill out our life mastery test. If you are ready to move forward to the life you want and deserve, join us now. Start you Mondays with positive energy and group synergy, and master the Law of Attraction.