Nov 17, 2011

What does Success Mean to You?

Is success determined by a bank account with a certain amount in it? A certain car or home? When you search your heart and spend quiet time listening inside; you may discover success is a feeling and not money or material things. This is a great time of year to determine what success is and look at how successful you have been this year at creating the feeling of success.

Throughout the end of the year I will be posting blog post directed toward empowering you to make goals and lay your foundation for abundant success for 2012. The first step toward success is to determine what it means and what supports the feeling of success in your daily life.

Take a moment and close your eyes. Imagine that you have a blank canvas and that you can create anything on the canvas. This canvas is your life and the canvas is limited only by your imagination. Give yourself permission to step out of your self imposed box, and go beyond your old programming and beliefs. Spend time for the next week listening inside and writing first thing in the morning on your canvas. What is it that your heart wants that you have denied yourself?

Through the end of the year all of our retreat guests will create a vision board to create their dreams. Retreat from your daily life for at least fifteen minutes a day and see the blank canvas begin to be filled with your dreams.