What is the Law of Attraction and how do you apply the principals to create the life you want and deserve? Oprah's show today focused on people who are applying the Law of Attraction and their success. What is the secret to attracting what you want and not what you fear? Attend our free teleseminar Tuesday July 1 at 11 am pacific time and learn the secret to success using the Law of Attraction.
Thinking about what you want and visulizing it daily, yet not seeing the results you want? Use this tip.
1. Write your goals down that you want to achieve in the next 30 days.
2. Post these goals where you can see them each day, on your bathroom mirror is a great place.
3. Make a vision board and put pictures on it that you want in the next year.
4. Set aside 15 minutes each day and visulize what you have in your goals.
What is working for you with applying the Law of Attraction?