Money fears and worries weighing heavy on your mind? Follow this video and these secrets to find courage to let go and trust.
I grew up in Tennessee and my mother and father grew up in the depression. I remember horrible stories of people in the great depression who had lost everything jumping out of buildings and ending it all. Follow these three secrets to keep yourself centered and relaxed.
1. Remember that you control your reaction to life. Even when you are surrounded with stress, you can learn to change your reaction; remove yourself and take a stress break. If you have access to nature, go outside in nature and sit under a tree. Breathe your stress away. You will find that when you return to work you will be more productive and your mood and outlook will be lifted. If you can't take a break outside then close your door and breathe. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the most beautiful place in nature that you can remember. Imagine the sun filling your entire body with golden light and washing away the stress.
2. Face your situation head on, and move forward by finding solutions. Take a look at your finances and look at ways to start living within your means. Your first step is to cut back on eating out. Pack a lunch and make sure it contains healthy veggies and fruits. Support your body, mind, and spirit with high quality foods and avoid refined fast foods.
3. Find support and talk out your problems. Holding on to problems creates internal war zones, and you find yourself caught in a vicious loop of stress. Support can be professional help through a coach, financial advisor, or a counselor. The key is to take action and realistically create a plan to move out of the situation. Avoidance will continue to create stress and depression eventually leading to illness.Down load a free life evaluation test to see exactly where you are in your life. Stress and depression slip up on you, the only way to create a stress management plan is to know what is causing stress.
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