Apr 28, 2015

Retreat In Sedona to Recharge Your Batteries

#Retreat to bring love, joy and excitement back to life. When your batteries are low and have lost their charge it is hard to be motivated and excited to greet your day. With life so busy these days, moving from scheduled event to event fills the day. That magic connection to Divine Source gets lost. Life without this connection gets filled with busy-ness and doing and quickly depletes your batteries.

#Sedona Retreats are a great way to take time out of your hectic life and reset your switch to inner peace. Often stress and drama become a habit just like many other distracting and addictive habits. Our brain patterns get set to feed the chemicals of stress. In order to change these addictive habits and chemicals we need to stop and press pause. Take a look at the video to see how stress and the chemicals of stress affect your life.

When you take a time out you are empowered to look at patterns that are feeding the stress chemicals in your life. Through Reiki, Meidtation, Yoga, EFT, Hypnotherapy and massage we empower you to make the changes you want and deserve. Personal Healing retreats are our specialty. Retreat with us for a day, three days or a full week and reap benefits of renewed clarity and restore your batteries. Our #Wellness Retreat is a richly rewarding investment in your healthy future.