Jan 31, 2008

Cool Book of the Day

Love's Secret is featured as cool book of the day. Check it out and the person who leaves the nicest kudo on the site will win a copy! Follow this link.
You might wonder what is a kudo. Just a nice pat on the back. I have much more respect for authors now since Love's Secret was released by Sedona Publisher's in Nov 2007. It has been a big learning curve and a lot of hard work. Love's Secret was also awarded Finalist by USA Book News in their Self Help Relationship category.
Go on over and leave your kudos and win a copy of the cool book of the day. Love's Secret will help you deal with your relationship commitment issues and help your live your life in love with the love of your life.
Here is an excerpt:
Bob had just met the woman of his dreams. Based on his past, he was scared to death he would mess up again. When Bob first entered my office, he was desperate for answers. He wanted to succeed this time more than anything else in the world. In the past when he made a commitment, his fears would surface, and he himself sabotaging the relationship.

This time he wanted things to be different, not by chance, but because he had a plan and tools to deal with his fear of intimacy. He was terrified of love which kept him commitment phobic, but he had never realized his patterns. During our sessions he discovered his fear, and the EFT offered him hope that he could heal. In the past he had spent his time consumed with searching for the one, the perfect mate.
Face the Fear
In this chapter you will find the secret for dealing with fear of intimacy and commitment and the underlying fears that can keep you caught in the swinging doors of toxic relationships.
LOVE’S SECRET number one is to make a commitment to your own healing. You can then be a support within the relationship for healing your issues as a couple. This chapter explores what commitment means and why you or your mate might be commitment phobic. You will find solutions to overcome your phobias and tools to build new habits to live your life in love. Your commitment to your own inner-healing will build a base for a happy, long-term, loving relationship.
*Exercises for journaling and inner-reflection are included throughout the book.
*These exercises are intended to connect you with your inner wisdom and find answers to create the life and relationship that you have longed for.
*Quiet inner-reflection through journaling allows ideas and hidden inner-desires to bubble up from within.
*Once you have your inner answers on paper, you can examine them and focus your energy to create your heart’s desire.
If you have any questions leave your comment below. Also I am giving away a copy Feb29 to the person who has left the most comments on this blog. Join in the discussion. What is your biggest reltionship commitment issue?

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