Apr 28, 2008

Oprah, Eckhart and the pain body

Is it possible that people who are depressed have not healed their pain body?
Have you been following Oprah and Eckhart? What do you do to heal your pain body? Is your pain or your emotions in charge?

My emotional pain body was large as a child and young adult. I have been on a path to heal my emotions held in my pain body for over thirty years. A pain body that has been ignored will continue to show up in your everyday life. Here are the tools that I have found most helpful in healing my pain body. Go here to listen to Eckhart and Oprah's conversation on the pain body.

Tools to heal the pain body:

Reiki-Reiki is universal healing energy that is present in all of us. You can recieve a Reiki healing session or a Reiki Attunement. When you recieve a Reiki attunement you are able to bring your own body back to balance and healing.

EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique is a tool for healing the emotional pain body. When emotions are not expressed they become stuck and cause blocks in your emotional and physical body. EFT can help to heal this stuck energy.

Yoga and breathing can keep your emotions moving and assist you to learn to allow your emotions to flow freely. Let me know what you use to heal your pain body.


Anonymous said...

Name: Jimmie
Oprah's 4 interviews with Jill Bolte Taylor were the first that Oprah did after Eckhart Tolle and they take everything Tolle talks about to another level. Oprah's copy of Jill's book, MY STROKE OF INSIGHT, was dog-eared and all marked up and kept reading from it the way she read from A New Earth and recommended it highly.

Oprah's recommendation was enough for me. I read My Stroke of Insight and I loved it too. This story is as inspiring as The Last Lecture or Tuesdays with Morrie - and even better, it has a Happy Ending!

I bought the book on Amazon because they have it for 40% off retail and they also had an amazing interview with Dr Taylor that I haven't seen anywhere else - Here is the Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/My-Stroke-Insight-Scientists-Personal/dp/0670020745/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1211471755&sr=1-2

Anonymous said...

I read "My Stroke of Insight" in one sitting - I couldn't put it down. I laughed. I cried. It was a fantastic book (I heard it's a NYTimes Bestseller and I can see why!), but I also think it will be the start of a new, transformative Movement! No one wants to have a stroke as Jill Bolte Taylor did, but her experience can teach us all how to live better lives. Her TED.com speech was one of the most incredibly moving, stimulating, wonderful videos I've ever seen. Her Oprah Soul Series interviews were fascinating. They should make a movie of her life so everyone sees it. This is the Real Deal and gives me hope for humanity.