What is the most important component of a happy relationship? Love or sex. You may have sex and passion without love but it will be short-lived. To keep love, sex, and passion alive long after the initial lust and passionate stage of a relationship, it requires a vision of what you want, a good foundation, commitment, and unconditional love.
Love's Secret offers an action plan to build love habits by releasing old habits and conditioning and learning to focus on love. Focus on what you have in your life that you love, and also focus on the things you love about your mate, and release the habit of nit-picking. Write down what you love about your life and also look at what you don't like. Once you are aware of what you want then spend 15 minutes seeing a picture of this in your mind. After you have a clear vision of what you want, feel how it feels to have it in your life. Play some beautiful music that makes you happy and hold your vision. Feel the happy feelings and then feel how grateful you feel for having it in your life. This is the magic of creation.
Let me know you thoughts and feelings that come up from practicing your manifestation vision. Make a commitment to yourself to set aside time daily to hold your vision of love. As you create love in your life and create the life you want you will be assisting in creating a world in love.
I work with couples via skype, phone and in person through our retreats. Having a love coach empowers you to focus on love and rise above old habits and the ego urge to be right at all costs. Let us create a retreat that fits your needs and budget. Sedona has the beauty and our retreats are packed with fun, tools and experiences to get your relationship back on track.
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